Crimson Embrace - Mother's Day Bouquet


Flower Ingredients: Radiant red carnations paired with delicate pink roses.

Floral Language: Carnations symbolize the warmth and resilience of a mother's love, while pink roses convey gentleness and admiration.


This bouquet, specially crafted for Mother's Day, combines luscious red carnations with tender pink roses, embodying the deep affection and softness of maternal love. The carnations reflect elegance and resilience, while the pink roses send endless tenderness and gratitude. Accented with green foliage that symbolizes vitality, much like a mother's constant support and encouragement. Let this bouquet be the medium through which you express love and gratitude, carrying your heartfelt wishes to your mother.

Size: about 22“ H x 16” W

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Flower Ingredients: Radiant red carnations paired with delicate pink roses.

Floral Language: Carnations symbolize the warmth and resilience of a mother's love, while pink roses convey gentleness and admiration.


This bouquet, specially crafted for Mother's Day, combines luscious red carnations with tender pink roses, embodying the deep affection and softness of maternal love. The carnations reflect elegance and resilience, while the pink roses send endless tenderness and gratitude. Accented with green foliage that symbolizes vitality, much like a mother's constant support and encouragement. Let this bouquet be the medium through which you express love and gratitude, carrying your heartfelt wishes to your mother.

Size: about 22“ H x 16” W


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

67 Items

Remarkable quality!

Flowers arrived fresh, vibrant, and beautifully wrapped. Exceptional service throughout!

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