
Featured Products

Birthday Basket of Sunshine


Love is the sea bouquet

Blushing Blooms Birthday...
  • -$90.00

Blushing Blooms Birthday Basket

$838.00 $928.00

You Light Up My Life Bouquet


Sweet Memories Bouquet


Wedding Anniversary - Rose Bouquet

Sunbeam Sunflower Box
  • -$100.00

Sunbeam Sunflower Box

$638.00 $738.00

Blossoming Affections Bouquet

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Special Offers

Valentines Day Bouquet -...
  • -$999.00

Valentines Day Bouquet - Princess Fragrance

$4,300.00 $5,299.00
Valentine's Day Bouquet -...
  • -$999.00

Valentine's Day Bouquet - Love Eternal

$3,889.00 $4,888.00
Valentine’s Day Bouquet -...
  • -$700.00

Valentine’s Day Bouquet - Magic of Love

$3,588.00 $4,288.00
199 Red and White Roses...
  • -$300.00
Heartfelt Red Rose Bouquet
  • -$1,000.00

Heartfelt Red Rose Bouquet

$2,699.00 $3,699.00
Orchid- Enjoy your day
  • -$1,000.00

Orchid- Enjoy your day

$2,688.00 $3,688.00
Orchid - Healthy and Safe
  • -$1,000.00

Orchid - Healthy and Safe

$2,388.00 $3,388.00
Orchid - Prosperous Fortune
  • -$1,100.00

Orchid - Prosperous Fortune

$2,188.00 $3,288.00

New products

King and Roses
  • New

King and Roses

Love Feast Bouquet
  • New

Love Feast Bouquet

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Testimonials | More... People Say About Us

It is absolutely beautiful and also tied with a large red bow! We are both thrilled! She arranged the stems in her own vase and looks so lovely. Thank you for having this option of sending a fresh, hand-held group of greens & flowers that is so pretty and so economical!  

Elizabeth R

Sheung Wan

Thanks for the lovely arrangements you provided for my sister's birthday celebration on Saturday night. The colors and variety of the flowers were perfect, and everyone commented on them.   


Wan Chai

Thanks so much to 優之花鋪 for helping me last minute sort out and deliver a lovely bouquet of Mothers Day flowers to my mum! Great customer support and communication with fast responses, and my mum was so happy with the flowers , I will definitely purchase again for the next occasion and recommend to others ! 

Kaa Moo

North Point

Why People Choose Us

Impeccable Quality

Our flower designers work with the highest-quality florals and greens, bringing their creativity and style to each even.

Freshest quality

You will receive the freshest flowers from our Florist


You will receive a highly personalized service and expert advice from us, backed up by our support staff.

About Us

about us

Perfect Flowers and Gifts for You

4flowershop.com has been providing comprehensive floral services which include Grand Opening Arrangements, Gift Bouquets, Sympathy Arrangements, Fruit Baskets, Hampers, Wedding Bouquets, Corsages, Wedding/Event Decorations, Orchid Plant Displays and Monthly Flower Displays, to our customers in Hong Kong.

The flowers are mainly purchased from the largest flower importers in Hong Kong, and the best quality flowers are freshly delivered to customers every day.

Our business strategy is excellent quality, small profits but quick turnover; we take loyal service to provide customers with meticulous care in flower selection, design, packaging, and delivery services. In order to achieve perfection, we hope to bring customers a happy mood and Best wishes.